Ms. Obenewaa made the shocking revelation on Samuel Mprah’s show on Bryt FM where she claimed she was introduced into prostitution by a Nigerian lady, Elizabeth Opeyemi at a very tender age. According to Obenewaa, choosing prostitution was due to lack of support from her poor parents; she added that she started prostituting locally before moving on to the international scene. Speaking further, she said the Nigerian woman enticed her to take her prostitution business outside Ghana and she later spread her bounds to neighboring countries like Benin, Togo, and Burkina Faso. She narrated her story thus: Katrine Obenewaa said more than just prostitution, she became greedy and wanted more money so she decided to find some spiritual back up. However, her visit to a spiritualist turned out to be one of her worse decision. My eight years of friendship with Miss Opeyemi was a great moment that saw me with billions of cedis. I was able to buy two separates six-bed room apartments from the monies I made through my sex business and now own a lot of other landed properties from this same sex business. The aftermath of her visit to the spiritualist was that any man she slept with, lost his life afterward, and she confronted the Spiritualist who told her it was the price she had to pay for her wealth and that it was irreversible. She confessed that over 100 men had already died, and 70 more were rendered impotent after sleeping with her. The woman said:

Prostitution In Ghana

Two factors are usually blamed for the emergence of prostitution as a profession in the country, they include; sexual lust on the part of men and poverty on the part of women. The chief subsidiary cause common to both gender is said to be a defective education, which is responsible for the ignorance of the simple principles of sexual biology, sexual hygiene, and sexual disease. It is said that young boys and girls have been denied instruction in one of the sex subjects which are vital to their health and happiness.  Hence, they end up learning these things from their vulgar companions, stumble into love, courtship, and marriage, blundering and groping. Also, it is widely believed that venereal diseases and sexual sins are augmented because of ignorance causing men to patronize the prostitutes, contract STDs, and carry them to their wives. Some regions in Ghana has been marked as a hub for prostitution and Ashaiman is regarded as the big­gest conglomerate of brothels. Other areas include Tsinai Agbe where these women are seen in a densely packed collection of tin shacks, beckoning men for patronage. Don’t Miss: How To Find Your Dream Job On Tonaton

Legalizing Prostitution

The myth behind prostitution is that it is an ancient profession. When the government of New Zealand legalized prostitution, Julie Bindel, a freelance journalist, political activist, and founder of Justice for Women wrote that prostitution is not a job. According to her, the inside of a woman’s body is not a workplace. The freelance journalist reported that the country which decriminalized prostitution since 2003 has witnessed a surge in trafficking of women into New Zealand’s legal and illegal brothels. Even under legalization, women are still murdered by pimps and punters. Bindel further expressed that when prostituted women become “employees”, and part of the “labor market”, pimps become “managers” and “business entrepreneurs”. Any government that allows the decriminalization of pimping and sex-buying sends a message to its citizens that women are vessels for male sexual consumption, she argued, stressing that if prostitution is “sex work”, then by its own logic, rape is merely theft. The reasons why people get into prostitution has become complex over the years. While money is the apex of the act, poverty, unemployment, peer pressure, sexual addiction, laziness, heartbreaks, loneliness, absents of adequate parental guidance, and psychological orientation are some of the major factors that have spread the business of selling sex.

Prostitution  Ghanaian Hooker Confessed Killing Over 100 Men  Render Others Impotent - 27Prostitution  Ghanaian Hooker Confessed Killing Over 100 Men  Render Others Impotent - 64Prostitution  Ghanaian Hooker Confessed Killing Over 100 Men  Render Others Impotent - 46Prostitution  Ghanaian Hooker Confessed Killing Over 100 Men  Render Others Impotent - 16