1. Kwame Nkrumah Mausoleum and Memorial Park

The founding father of the Ghana nation had many to offer the country after he ensured that they attained their independence. As a great leader, Kwame Nkrumah stood firm in his decisions and led the country to a peaceful reconciliation with its colonialists. Accra, and in fact, all of Ghana hold him in high esteem as the man who gave his all to liberate his people and ensure that they live a better life. The museum is strategically placed within the city as a smart way of paying tribute to its founding father and an African iconic leader who went past oppression and vicious rule to deliver his nation in a peaceful island of harmony and great coexistence. Tourists who would like to get more information about Ghana are always encouraged to visit the museum in Accra and learn more about the footsteps of their fore fathers.

2. The Independence Square, Accra

Ghana went through harsh pains and tortures from their colonialists to make it as an independent nation. As a result, this wonderfully designed Independence theater was erected as a mark of great honor and gift to celebrate Ghana’s greatest day in history – the Independence Day. The locals in Accra know the square as the Black Star Square since it has Ghana’s black star, just above the monument. Tourists will be amazed by the ever-burning eternal flame which was lit in 1961 by the country’s first indigenous president, Kwame Nkrumah.

3. The National Theater

In Accra, local talents and arts are well documented to showcase their culture and to help them develop a strong bond with their future. You can visit the National Theater which was built in 1990 to serve the core function of raising performing artists. This is a smart and modern designed theater that has really helped the locals to develop themselves and to smartly showcase their talent to the rest of the world. Tourists can always get enthralled and entertained by great young men and women who have devoted themselves to shaping their skills and nurturing talents through performing arts. There is the national symphony orchestra, the national dance company and the famous national theater players.

4. Jamestown

Jamestown is the place to be while in Accra as it attracts tourists like a magnet due to its captivating ambiance. This town has more to offer and it holds deeply kept secrets about the history of Accra since the medieval times. It dates back to the 17th century as a perfect historic treasure of Accra. It is today used as one of the greatest fish harbors in Africa by majority of fishermen within the city. Nowadays, it is very populated because many foreign investors have pitched tents within the town in order to be one among many other business people to make a living from the city’s great economy.

5. Makola Market

This is a great market that holds much of Accra’s history. It is not as modern as you may think but its main importance is that it stands out alone as a great African market where you will find all the local delicacies of the Ghanaians. There are traditional foodstuffs such as arrow roots, yams traditional medicines, traditional pots, shoes and arrows. You can feel free to mingle with the locals who are warm and always dedicated to offer visitors the best services when it comes to selling of the African regalia such as the African shoes and heads gears. This is the place to come as a tourist who wants to prepare the traditional delicacies of Accra.

More on Best Places to Visit in Accra, Ghana

6. Osu Castle

This is an ancient castle that traces its roots to early 17th century. It has been for many years a bone of contention as many rulers always claimed ownership of the castle. The most remarkable use of the castle is that it was the store house for slaves before they were shipped abroad. It once became the Danish Gold Coast headquarters. Note that no tourist is allowed to take pictures in the Osu castle due to its old traditions.

7. Kane Kwei Carpentry Workshop (Designer Coffins)

Kane Kwei is the founder of this workshop which holds a great deal of history. He was a dedicated coffin designer who used his creativity to come up with quality coffins to by carving coffins with the passion of those who had died. It is the best place that leaves many tourists amazed and enthralled by the great art.

8. W.E.B. DuBois Memorial Center

W.E.B. DuBois Memorial Center is a great tourist attraction site that holds its respect to an American civil rights activist and a great writer who dedicated his entire energy to help in fighting for the rights of the black people. He was so dedicated and gave all he could including travelling to Ghana from the United States as a sign of committing his life to end black oppression by the colonialists. The center is a historical monument and a tourist attraction site with a library and great historical literature that covers on the rights of the blacks. It houses the house number 22 where the writer lived. Visit here and you will learn more about his life and times.

As a modern artistic gallery, Alliance Gallery has 3 floors to showcase sculptures, paintings and fabrics of Accra. The place is a tourist attraction site since it holds the best art items and great displays ever seen in Ghana. You can purchase many of the art works at reasonable prices while there are others that will cost you more due to their value.

10. Labadi Beach

Labadi beach takes the lead as one of the best beaches in Accra. It is a smartly designed and it is a  natural beach with the best white sands to bask in and enjoy. It has the best security and romantic environment. You can visit this place together with your family and have a lot of fun.

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